Nurses To New Zealand

Latest Updates of New Zealand Nursing Council CBT and OSCE Fees

Latest Updates of New Zealand Nursing Council CBT and OSCE Fees

As you know, the New Zealand nursing council has changed its competence test from CAP to OSCE. They also released the fee structure for the CBT and OSCE exams on their official website. If you are in search of how much you need to pay for the exams, this blog will be your answer. Before moving on to the costs, let us have a deeper understanding of the New Zealand registration process.

Steps to Become a Registered Nurse in New Zealand

It is important to register with the Nursing Council of New Zealand to become a nurse there. This article will guide you through the process of becoming a nurse in New Zealand and how much it costs.

As you know, becoming a nurse in countries like New Zealand includes several complex steps, but with relevant documents and proper guidance, you can easily go through these steps.

The steps to becoming a registered nurse in New Zealand for an international nurse are as follows:

Eligibility Check

Ensure you meet the eligibility criteria set by the Nursing Council of New Zealand (NCNZ). This typically includes having completed an approved nursing program in your home country and meeting English language proficiency requirements.

Registration Application

Apply for registration with the NCNZ. You’ll need to submit documentation such as academic transcripts, proof of identity, and evidence of language proficiency.

English Language Proficiency

If English is not your first language, you may need to demonstrate your proficiency by taking an English language test such as the IELTS (International English Language Testing System) or OET (Occupational English Test).

Theoretical and OSCE Exams

As a part of the registration process, you need to undergo two exams. The first one is an online theoretical exam, and the second one is the Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE). OSCE can be attended while you reach New Zealand.

Visa Application

Apply for the appropriate visa to work and live in New Zealand. The type of visa you need will depend on factors such as the duration of your stay and whether you have secured employment.

Job Search

Begin your job search for nursing positions in New Zealand. Many healthcare facilities hire international nurses, particularly in areas where there are shortages of qualified local candidates.

Employment Offer

Once you secure a job offer, you may need to provide evidence of employment to the NCNZ as part of the registration process.


Upon successful completion of the registration requirements, including any necessary assessments, you’ll be granted registration as a nurse in New Zealand.

Updates on New Zealand CBT and OSCE Fees

Understanding the costs associated with the above steps is essential for your preparation. The New Zealand nursing registration examination comprises various components, each with its own associated costs. Let’s delve into the examination fees and related expenses:

The NCNZ fee to start your process is $485 (NZ).

IQN Theoretical Examination

The IQN Theoretical Examination(Computer Based Test) consists of two parts. Part A is medication safety, and Part B is nursing knowledge.
Part A + Part B Fees = $140 NZ

Objective Structured Clinical Examination

Orientation and Preparation Course Fee: $500 NZ
OSCE Fee: $3,000 NZ

Resit Fees

You can also apply for a Re-sit if you failed on any of the parts.
Re-sit of Medication Safety (Part A): $32 NZ
Re-sit of Nursing Knowledge (Part B): $108 NZ
Resit Fee for OSCE: $3,000 NZ

Budgeting and financial planning

Planning for the New Zealand nursing registration examinations requires careful budgeting and financial preparation. Consider the following factors:

  • Examination Fees: Budget for the initial examination fees as well as potential re-sit fees if needed.
  • Additional Expenses: Factor in other related expenses such as travel, accommodation, study materials, and living expenses during the examination period.
  • Currency Conversion: Keep in mind the currency conversion rates and any associated fees when transferring funds to pay for the examinations.

Preparation for Success

Preparing for the New Zealand nursing registration examinations requires diligent study and preparation. Here are some tips to help you succeed:

  • Study Materials: Invest in high-quality study materials and resources to help you prepare effectively for the examinations.
  • Practice Exams: Take advantage of practice exams and simulation exercises to familiarize yourself with the format and content of the examinations.
  • Seek Support: Don’t hesitate to reach out to peers, mentors, and online communities for support and guidance throughout your preparation journey.
  • Stay Organized: Create a study schedule and stick to it, allowing yourself ample time to review and revise the material thoroughly.

Navigating the examination costs for New Zealand nursing registration is a crucial aspect of your journey towards becoming a registered nurse in New Zealand.

By understanding the examination fees and related expenses, as well as proper budgeting and preparation, you can set yourself up for success and embark on your nursing career in New Zealand with confidence and readiness.